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Immune System Support

Title Tag: Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Foods, Herbs & Lifestyle Meta Description:   Strengthen your immune defenses naturally w...

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Immune System Support

Title Tag: Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Foods, Herbs & Lifestyle

Meta Description: 

Strengthen your immune defenses naturally with key nutrients, powerful herbs, and healthy lifestyle habits. Discover the best foods and strategies to support your immune system and stay healthy... Learn more!

About Immune System Support

Immune system support is a list of references to foods and non-pharmacological therapies that can strengthen and support the immune system. 

The immune system is the body's defense system against infection, injury, and diseases like cancers.

I use many of these modalities for well being and they have helped me with overall well-being.


These references are provided for your information. They are not intended for diagnostic purposes. Ideally, you should consult your medical practitioner when making decisions about disease treatments.

What Is The Immune System?


Detox Protocols To Improve Immunity

Plant based diet - highly recommended.


Supplementation with nutrients - highly recommended.

Vitamin D3.

Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc

Digestive Aid AKA Digestive Enzyme

TMG or Trimethylglycine For Detoxification


Megapan or a Similar Multi-Mineral/Multi-Vitamin Supplement

Omega -3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil)


PARAFUNGAL - highly recommended


Near infra red sauna therapy - very useful


Sunlight therapy - highly recommended

Energizes cells that fight infection


Movement of lymph and excretion of toxins - highly recommended /at least one


Bouncing on the heels can replace trampolines, but I have had good results with increased energy.

Body brushing
Body tapping


Electrical stimulation therapy - highly recommended unless pregnant or if you have a pacemaker.

The human body is an electrical system. It runs on electricity.

I have used this therapy using Hulda Clarke Zapper for years to help with wellbeing and immunity.


Resources On Electrolyte Stimulation Therapy

bestzapper,com - personal results from a two time cancer survivor.

Get a Hulda Clarke Zapper on ebay. The mini zappers work very well, but you need to purchase thick copper separately.


Orgonite - highly recommended.



Remove metals - highly recommended.

Go to this website below (bit chute dot com) and search for Spanish Researchers. 

b i t c h u t e dot com aka b i t c h u t e . c o m 


Foot and hand relfexology