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Sunday, 7 February 2016

Archangel Gabriel On Chemical Warfare And "Exotic" Plagues In The Earth | Zika

Given by Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel spoke to me at about 5 a.m. on Sunday 7th February, 2016:

Zika is a chemically engineered virus that is produced in laboratories deep in the earth. 

How do people get pesticides into the foods? They spray and process the foods with them. 

How do they get the chemicals into the insects and other animals? They process them.

These chemically engineered viruses and plagues are designed by hell to extinguish the human race and to rule in the earth. However, earth belongs to humans and not devils.

Archangel Gabriel also asked me why are humans adding toxins such as mercury to dental fillings and vaccines?

He asked me why dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde are used in Operating Theatres.


Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray against the diabolic scheme to extinguish the human race by chemicals and other means.

I bind the activity of humans, who, influenced by demons, are producing these life threatening plagues.

I release your warring Angels against them now and against this virus in Jesus name and command Zika to cease and abate forever. Amen with thanks I pray. 

Thanks for hearing prayer, Father in heaven.


During any viral outbreaks of this nature, I recommend that you support your immune system with natural antivirals, antibiotics and anti - inflammatory foods and/or supplements such as:

  • tumeric
  • garlic
  • moringa
  • mangosteen
  • Olive leaf extract
  • Coconut milk and/or oil
  • Vitamin C
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Thieves oil
  • Oil of Eucalyptus
  • Food grade diatomaceous earth
  • Activated charcoal powder


  • mosquito dunks kill multiple species organically (available on Amazon)

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