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Immune System Support

Title Tag: Boost Your Immune System Naturally: Foods, Herbs & Lifestyle Meta Description:   Strengthen your immune defenses naturally w...

Saturday, 13 August 2016



This formulation was given to me by Archangel Michael. It is a smoothie type mixture which can be made in a blender, smoothie maker, food processor etc. It is very gentle and soothing on the system and does the job of sweeping the colon which should be kept clean.

The principle:

- God wants humans to cleanse at least once per year. Israel did it in the first month at the Feast of Unleavened Bread when they ate no leaven and ate bitter herbs at the Feast of Passover.


- at least two fruits - one should at least be fibrous - like mangoes, pineapple
- at least 4 seeds and/or nuts e.g. pumpkin, shredded coconut, linseed aka flaxseed, almonds, pomengranate, papaw seeds
- antiinflammatory agents - ginger, tumeric (He said always to have tumeric in the diet), rosemary, thyme etc
- carrot - for the eyes
- Greens - e.g. spinach - 6 leaves, green superfood powder if you have but use local greens

The Recipe that I was given based on what I had -


- 1/2 to 1/4 medium sized banana
- 1/4 of a medium sized papaya/pawpaw
- 1 small mango
- any other that you have


- 1/4 of a small carrot
- or any other that you have e.g. broccoli

Seeds and nuts (at least 4)

- 6 - 12 almonds (Bonadies has small packages)
- 1 teaspoon shredded coconut (could be more)
- 1 tablespoon linseed/flaxseed if ground or 1/4 if whole
- 1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds

Anti - inflammatory

- 1 inch ginger
- 1/4 inch tumeric
- 1/4 inch local chocolate
- 1 leaf of rosemary
- you can use thyme, sage, onion, etc

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Greens (at least one)

- spinach 6 leaves
- superfood powder if you have
- any green that you have

Prepare in a blender, smoothie maker, food processer or what ever you have. A thick mixture like icecream will be produced. Dilute it a bit if you like, but not too much. The preparation should have some thickness.

The contents can be adjusted based on product availability, taste etc. Take the formulation at least once a day. Don't take it just before you need to go any where because it takes about 1/2 hour to work. Meantime, drink teas during the day to hydrate e.g. sage, moringa, ginger, tumeric, cinnamon, rosemary, soursop. 

Use the cleanse daily until abdominal bloating, gas, rumbling and other discomforts disappear and until your abdomen reduces in size. Thereafter, use at least twice a week...

God bless and give me feedback please...

Monday, 13 June 2016

How To Cleanse The Brain - NEW Scientific Discovery About The Brain's Internal Cleansing System

The brain has an internal system for cleansing

I was looking for information about cleansing the brain when I found new scientific discovery that the brain drains its fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) during sleep.  

Brain cleansing requires about 6 - 8 hours of sleep per night and is important because toxins are removed, thus renewing the organ. 

How to support the glymphatic or brain cleansing system


Read more about brain cleansing at the links below

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Monday, 23 May 2016

The Science Of Orgone Energy

Chromium - Essential For Insulin Function And Diabetes Treatment

Related articles about chromium

Read about chromium by clicking on this link

Breast Massage For Healthy Breasts

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Papaya Cancer Remedy

Can papaya be used as a remedy in cancer?

Research is beginning to emerge on the effects of papaya leaf in treating cancer. A 2010 study found that papaya leaf extract inhibited cancer growth and enhanced the function of the immune system. 

The results were so impressive that the researchers concluded that 

... our results suggest that the CP leaf extract may potentially provide the means for the treatment and prevention of selected human diseases such as cancer, various allergic disorders, and may also serve as immunoadjuvant for vaccine therapy (Otsuki, Dang, Kumagai, Kondo,  Iwata &Morimoto 2010).

Papaya cancer treatment recipe

Wash several medium sized papaya leaves
Cut them up
Place them in a saucepan with two litres of water. 
Heat the leaves in the water until it boils
Reduce it to a simmer until the water is reduced by half.
Drink  50 ml of the resulting concentrated papaya leaf liquid 3 times a day. 
Store the liquid in the fridge in a large glass (not plastic) container. Discard after 3 days or if it becomes cloudy. 


Papaya leaf juice

The juice of the papaya leaf is also recommended as a more effective treatment. In my recent experience, one patient diagnosed with a very low platelet count recovered fully after drinking one tablespoon daily.

The video below shows you how to extract the juice from the papaya leaf...


Aqueous extract of Carica papaya leaves exhibits anti-tumor activity and immunomodulatory effects.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Alzheimers Disease Remedies

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Coconut Oil Research And Benefits

Oil Pulling For Wellness

Oil Pulling For Wellness

Watch the videos to learn more.

Archangel Gabriel On Chemical Warfare And "Exotic" Plagues In The Earth | Zika

Given by Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel spoke to me at about 5 a.m. on Sunday 7th February, 2016:

Zika is a chemically engineered virus that is produced in laboratories deep in the earth. 

How do people get pesticides into the foods? They spray and process the foods with them. 

How do they get the chemicals into the insects and other animals? They process them.

These chemically engineered viruses and plagues are designed by hell to extinguish the human race and to rule in the earth. However, earth belongs to humans and not devils.

Archangel Gabriel also asked me why are humans adding toxins such as mercury to dental fillings and vaccines?

He asked me why dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde are used in Operating Theatres.


Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray against the diabolic scheme to extinguish the human race by chemicals and other means.

I bind the activity of humans, who, influenced by demons, are producing these life threatening plagues.

I release your warring Angels against them now and against this virus in Jesus name and command Zika to cease and abate forever. Amen with thanks I pray. 

Thanks for hearing prayer, Father in heaven.


During any viral outbreaks of this nature, I recommend that you support your immune system with natural antivirals, antibiotics and anti - inflammatory foods and/or supplements such as:

  • tumeric
  • garlic
  • moringa
  • mangosteen
  • Olive leaf extract
  • Coconut milk and/or oil
  • Vitamin C
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Thieves oil
  • Oil of Eucalyptus
  • Food grade diatomaceous earth
  • Activated charcoal powder


  • mosquito dunks kill multiple species organically (available on Amazon)